About Me!

Hiya! My name is Brittany Booker, I'm a 22 year old college student at the University of Arkansas at Monticello. I'm in my senior year, and I'm going for a major in English, focus in creative writing and a minor in journalism. I will graduate this December.
I am a huge reader. I read a lot of YA fiction and fantasy fiction. But I do read other genres also. I am interested in representing YA, fantasy, contemporary, paranormal, romance and some historical fiction. I am currently waitressing. Not my dream job, but it pays the bills while I go to school. I am also a jr. literary agent @Corvisiero Literary Agency. I'm under Marisa Corvisiero. Marisa took Jordy and I, another jr. literary agent, in and is teaching us the ropes.
My blog is up for advice for other authors wanting to submit to agencies.
I hope y'all enjoy my blog, and hope to hear your comments as well.

Thanks! Have an awesome day. :)


  1. Hi Brittany,

    I'm 18 years old and I'm an aspiring author. I'm also the CEO of www.Faddest.com, a photo rating site for fashion. I just submitted a query to The Corvisiero Literary Agency after reading your suggestions. I've polished my manuscript and my query and I hope you will be on the look out for it.

    Thank you for all of the advice.

  2. Hi Darian,

    If you will send the query to brittany@corivisieroagency.com I will for sure get it. :)

    Thank you for reading my blog! :)

  3. Hey Brittany,

    Just wanted to say grats on your books!

  4. Hi Brittany. I just queried Marisa and was wondering how you felt about memoirs. I'm guessing you'll be the one reading my memoir query as her jr. agent, but I don't see any mention of nonfiction on your blog.

    And thanks for being so open to chat. It's great to have someone who responds to all these silly questions us writers have.

    Amber Mauldin

  5. Amber,

    Marisa or myself does not represent memoirs, but Stacey Donaghy of our agency does.I went ahead and directed your query to her for you. It is in Stacey's querybox. I hope I've helped! :)

    I love questions! I'm so happy to help anyone who has questions! ;)


    1. thanks a ton! On querytracker Marisa pulled up as repping self-help and religion, so I wasn't sure if that included memoirs that lean on those lines :) I don't know why Stacey didn't pull up. I just read her info and she does seem like a great fit for my story. I can't thank you enough. I know typically if you query the wrong genre it means the trash bin... so thanks for the extra minute to pass along :)


    2. No problem, Amber! I'm glad I could help!

  6. My dearest Brittany,

    I'm fascinated by how you manage your creativity, I know that it's too soon but i've sent my Query to the Agency address e-mail. I believe that every writer should fight for his art as i do for my own, I would love from you if you give a chance to my query to let me know how you felt about it.

    Thank you for creating this blog to help others like us.

    Looking forward to receive your reply



Drop me a line! :)